Home TOP NEWS International Earthquake in Syria tremors in Afghanistan’s Faizabad, magnitude 4.3 on Richter scale

Earthquake in Syria tremors in Afghanistan’s Faizabad, magnitude 4.3 on Richter scale

Earthquake in Syria
Earthquake in Syria

Tremors in Afghanistan’s Faizabad, magnitude 4.3 on Richter scale

Earthquake in Syria tremors were felt in India’s neighboring country Afghanistan in the early hours of Tuesday. The epicenter of the earthquake was Faizabad. Here the intensity of the earthquake on the Richter scale was 4.3.

According to the National Center for Seismology (NCS), the Earthquake in Syria occurred in Afghanistan on Tuesday morning at a depth of 120 km. The epicenter of this earthquake was 116 km south-east of Faizabad. According to NCS, this earthquake occurred at 3.23 am Indian time.

Why do earthquakes happen?

Often these plates keep on sliding and there is friction with the nearby plates. Sometimes this friction increases so much that one plate climbs on top of the other, due to which movement is felt on the surface.

Earthquakes in Syria with a magnitude of less than 5 are generally less damaging. An earthquake with a magnitude of 5 or more can cause damage.

In 2011, an earthquake of magnitude 9 occurred off the coast of Japan. Due to this, tsunami waves had arisen here, due to which there was more devastation. About 20 thousand people were killed in this earthquake. Earlier in 2006, there was an earthquake of magnitude 9 in Indonesia and more than 5,700 people died in it.

So far, earthquakes of magnitude 8 or more have occurred four times in India. First – in Shillong in 1897, second – in Kangra in 1905, third – in 1934 in Bihar-Nepal and fourth – in 1950 in Assam-Tibet. Thousands of people died in these.

According to the report of the National Disaster Management Authority, 59 percent of India is considered most sensitive in terms of earthquake. That is, earthquakes of magnitude 8 or more can occur here at any time.

Lastly, how to avoid Earthquake in Syria?

Earthquake in Syria is such an event which is almost impossible to predict. These are sudden events. It happens in a few seconds and destroys the lives of thousands and millions of people.

If we take the example of Turkey, the earthquakes here between Monday and Tuesday have killed more than 8,000 people. People’s homes have been destroyed. They don’t have a house to stay in the cold winter.

That’s why it is important to know how to deal with a situation like an earthquake? The most important thing is that earthquake does not come by telling, so keep some preparations in advance. Make the house or building earthquake proof. Things made of glass like mirrors, etc., should be kept at a distance from the sleeping place. Find such a safe place inside and outside the house in advance where you can go in case of an Earthquake in Syria .

Also keep an emergency kit ready. Battery operated lights, packed food items, knives, chlorine tablets, essential medicines, cash, credit cards, thick rope and sturdy shoes can be kept in this kit.

Now suppose you have not made any preparation and an earthquake has occurred, then caution and vigilance can save you. Many times it has been seen that first an earthquake of low intensity occurs but after that a strong earthquake occurs. In such a situation, if you are inside a house or a building, then walk slowly and reach a safe place. Leave the house or building only when you are sure that it is safe to go out.

If you are indoors, bend down to the ground, hold tightly to a sturdy table or piece of furniture, and sit until the tremors stop. If there is no table or furniture, cover your face and head with your arms and sit in a corner. Can also go under the bed. If you are on the bed, then keep sitting there.

Stay indoors until the tremors have stopped or it is safe outside. Because most of the injuries or damages happen only when the people inside the building try to go to another place or outside.

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