Home TOP NEWS International US Atlanta Shooting , one dead, four injured, police arrested the attacker

US Atlanta Shooting , one dead, four injured, police arrested the attacker

US Atlanta Shooting , one dead, four injured, police arrested the attacker
US Atlanta Shooting

US Atlanta Shooting , one dead, four injured, police arrested the attacker


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US Atlanta Shooting Man Arrested:

Incidents of firing are happening every day in America. Last month, a shooting incident took place in a school in America, in which many innocent lives were lost. After this, on Wednesday (May 3) in Atlanta, America, a 24-year-old youth carried out the firing incident. This shooting took place in a medical building in Atlanta. In this, 1 died and four people were injured. However, with the help of CCTV footage, the police arrested the accused.

US Atlanta Shooting
US Atlanta Shooting

The Atlanta Police Department has identified the arrested youth as a 24-year-old youth named Deion Patterson. Police arrested the suspected suspect several hours after the shooting. Police said that in the CCTV footage, he was seen with a gun in his hand and had also stolen a vehicle to flee from the scene.

The attacker was caught several hours after the shooting
Deion Patterson is a former US Coast Guardsman. Police arrested Patterson in Cobb County several hours after the shooting. Police Chief Darin Shirbaum told a news conference that the victims in the attack were all women. All the victim women were sitting in the waiting area of ​​the hospital.

The police chief said that the mother of the assailant was also present in the room at the time of the shooting, but she was not a victim of the attack. Police posted four pictures of the suspect on Twitter. It is clearly known from the pictures that after moving towards the door, the attacker raises his hand and signals to the people.

Hospital officials helped
Atlanta police said no other shots were fired after the initial incident inside the medical building. He told that he knows about 4 victims related to the incident. Three of them have been admitted to the hospital, the fourth has been declared brought dead. After the attack, the police became active to find the attacker. The officers of North Side Hospital also technically helped the police in catching the attacker.

read this also:US Shooting: America’s firing again, 5 people shot dead inside the house



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